Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act

Date: June 7, 2006
Location: Washingtonm DC



Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman and I commend him for his leadership on trying to address the energy supply and demand and refining capacity of our Nation so that we can begin to see lower gas prices, better energy supply and a better market for our people here in the States.

It applies to both economic strength and national security. And I wish that we could do more. To be honest, all of the hullabaloo is much to-do about nothing. This bill does not change the clean air or clean water requirements. EPA has given it priority status. It simply gives an ability for us to coordinate among all government agencies the permitting process which is too cumbersome and too long. This is the only way we can help expedite in a reasonable way and a responsible way to have the refining capacity necessary for our Nation.

It reminds me of my friends on the other side that when they see a house burning, they will lay down in the street to keep the fire truck from coming to make a difference and to put the fire out. That is what we are trying to do, whether it is on OCS, on offshore production, on additional refining capacity, or additional nuclear capabilities in our country, anything that will increase our own independence and energy supply.

On this side, we stand up in a responsible way, a rational way for it; and on the other side, they will do everything to obstruct and block and stop the progress that we need for greater energy production, greater energy refining and greater energy independence.

